Jan 2, 2012

Using LTE in Critical Vehicle Data Application: Live Testing

The future of critical data connectivity has been said to be LTE. The Long Term Evolution networks should be the answer to public safety or any vehicle data application where large data streams are needed. The possibilities for on-line video surveillance and larger picture file transmissions for on-line usage have been just waiting that LTE will develop out of its infancy. We at Goodmill Systems have always been questioning the idea that just one network and one technology would be enough for critical applications. Our recent tests show that even with the usage of LTE there is a great need for multi channel approach in moving vehicles.

The set/up for the testing was to use one LTE operator as the primary link to the selected gateway and another, alternative 3G network, as a second WAN link. The initial target for the pilot was to see the general availability of the networks in moving vehicles as well as to get first implications in the capacities achieved through the selected networks.

Achieved data capacities were from 2-10Mbit/s upstream and 3-10 Mbit/s downstream in the LTE network with average streams at 4Mbit/s down and 6Mbit/s up. Availability for both networks in general was high in comparison to previous experience from Goodmill in similar applications in moving vehicles. LTE availability was surprisingly high considering the early phase of the network implementation.

The short testing period supports the fact that despite the great availability of 3G and LTE, the moving vehicles propose a challenge to the operation that can only be overcome by using multiple networks with very fast switch over smartly. It is feasible to think that multi channel solution with two or three selected WAN links will provide enough secure availability and bandwidth for the needed high end surveillance application. For more detailed documentation of the study, please don’t hesitate to contact us.